Specialised Workwalls
Recently, Intoform NewWavehave been introducing new, specialised Workwalls to their ranges.
Glass Workwalls offer a new stylish and sleek option to the Workwall family. The glass can be easily written upon and erased with the same dry wipe pens used on the laminate surface Workwalls. The glass is available in a range of colours to suit your environment colour scheme.
Presentation and Greeting Workwalls are custom built Workwalls which can be wall mounted or mobile. The Presentation and Greeting Work Wall comes with either a metal or timber finish. The metal Work Wall is customarily finished in metallic silver, this, however, can be personalised with either the corporate colour scheme or an influential colour scheme specific to the environment. The timber option is customarily Beech, however there are wide selections of other timbers available. With this range of Workwalls, the laminate is the same unique laminate that is used on all of Intoforms Workwalls, and has the added attraction of optional colour co-ordination, a wide range of colours can be used and they varying selection of colours can create a very unique environment. Another optional extra for this range of Workwalls is the inclusion of neon lighting in the frame.